We suggest you to meet a specialist or other alternatives.

We will suggest you to meet a specialist or other alternatives including what you can do at home, school, or work and the useful tools. If the problem is relatively small, we might be able to suggest alternatives during the private consultation; however, if the problem is complex or intervention strategies must be taught step by step, we recommend you to use intervention service along with private consultation. Some clients may not need a separate time for intervention, so we will be flexible according to your needs.


  • Introduce useful tools or devices for everyday use
  • Suggest changes to learning methods or habits
  • Suggest changes to house or room layout
  • Create a individual checklist
  • Suggest the use of public facilities or service
  • Recommend speech-language pathology
  • Introduce support groups
  • Recommend social skills training

Intervention $60~

Approximately 1 - 2 hours (appointment needed)

Intervention strategies used at home, school, or work and follow-up

  • Clients can request follow-up sessions to ensure that they are using the strategies correctly.

Introduce professional service

  • Clients can decide whether they use recommended professional service or not.